AMA#2 Audio Transcription📝

Hello and Welcome all Gamers to this Meeting .
Let me thank you all for joining us .
Meeting schedule will be as following
First section : Another problem Gamers try to solve .
Second Section : Next Moves
Third Section : answering your questions .
Now Lets start with first section about another problem Gamers try to solve .
We talked in our last meeting about major problem Gamers try to solve which is connecting existing triple A Games like dota and league of legends to blockchain . We will talk in this meeting about another major problem .
The problem Gamers try to solve, is that Esports market have no single entry platform, Gaming industry consist of advertising, sponsorship, trading items, and tournaments. And everything has to be done manually; an all-in-one database is absent.
Gamers tend to focus on gaming, current blockchain gaming , make it hard on them with so many confusing steps to enter play2earn module, from opening wallets to buying crypto, and finding space to sell items/NFT from multi games.
What is the Solution GAMERS offer ?
GAMERS is connecting all of the market players under one roof and acting as an entry-point for esports and competitive gaming, look at it as Coinbase or binance platforms but for Gaming.
From professionals ,teams, tournaments, and businesses , GamerNFT Network will give the all-in-one solution.
With easy to use platform, Gamers will cut the hassle of entering the play2earn world.
From one dashboard and one portal ID gamers can.
- Trade items from multi games and multi chains .
- Create and sell gaming NFTs.
- Signup for tournaments.
- Purchase in-game items.
- Stream Videos.
With Gamers portal, all gamers needs are delivered from one dashboard which solve a major problem in this industry .
Now About Next moves
In our last meeting we discussed our plans for this year in general, and We are going to hold monthly meeting , so we will discuss the next moves on monthly bases , so our next move for short term .
- ICO Stages are filled on time thanks to our great Community , and we are adding more payment gateways to make it easier to join the sale .
- We will Amend new updates to portal , add new features .
- Also will Add new game to portal on monthly bases to make wider selection for Gamers .
- We will do an Audit for the project , as we have an agreement with top audit company to start auditing the project and cooperate with our team on auditing contract and find bugs to fix .
- Get listed on top ICO trackers , we are already listed on many trackers with high scores , and we aim to get listed on the rest so we have sent our project and team info to validate.
Next meeting will discuss more problems to solve , and monthly steps, but now lets answer our community questions ,:
Ok , we have some great questions :
First question is from Danijel84910849:
Hello. First of are all doing a great job.
Can you give some information about the games on portal ?
Ok thank you for kind words and support , These games on portal are the most played games on the worlds with millions of gamers , the one on the home called god of war , one of the best selling games all time , we select these games to attract the gamers playing them , to earn while playing which will give huge push for the project and for the crypto world in general as this will attract gamers from outside crypto world .
Ok now a question is from TINKY WINKY :
What kind of marketing or partnerships strategies do you have in place ?
About marketing , we already have monthly campaigns on socials ,google, and youtube , also we partnered with bitmedia one of the largest crypto ads network for monthly campaigns also .
We try to spread the marketing budget wisely, increasing over time , our professional marketing team have plans for each month , and how to spend the marketing budget to get max impact .
About partnerships , we already have some of the best partnerships that boost the development and finance sections , now we looking for more partnerships marketing wise , we are having meetings every week to choose our partners wisely .
Third question and it’s from luckypovv:
Do you consider community feedback/requests in order to expand on fresh ideas for your project? also I'd like to know who your ideal consumer is for your product?
About community feedback , Yes we do that , if you check the portal we already have a voting and suggest system , where any gamer can login to his account and vote on future of project and send us ideas on how to evolve the project , and we already had some great ideas from community helped us deliver better solutions and modules .
About second part of your question , the answer is part of the first question I answered , we target triple aaa games , with millions of gamers that already playing, and paying to play , we offer them to earn while they are playing their favorite games , and as I said before it will give huge push for the project and for the crypto world in general as this will attract gamers from outside crypto world .
Another question from angelinafinance:
Hello , How the process of deposit/withdrawal will happen , I mean for funds or earnings from portal , from play2earn , or from selling nft’s , or items selling , or participating in igos in launchpad will happen ?
Good question , if you check the whitepaper and our last meeting , we gave some info on the future of the platform , and we are looking for easy to use platform anyone can use , also I gave an example that it will look like binance but for gaming , so the whole process will be similar to any central exchange , as we are building multi chain platform , so you can deposit and withdraw in the same way you are doing in binance or gateio , then you can interact with all portal modules and services with one portal wallet .
last question from maxprofit80:
hello gamers , as a professional developer and blockchain expert , I already know how to audit smart contract , and I understand that most of audits for smart contracts are just technical analysis of the code not the project itself , so for me it does not mean anything as I can do it by my self , the question is do you consider having in depth project audit not just technical side ?
that’s great question , I understand your concerns , actually I agree with you about smart contracts audit , any developer can do it and really I don’t understand why communities give it so much priority instead of focusing on project audits , for us smart contract audit should be done during the contract development not after it’s finish or launch, it’s important having 3rd party professional opinion to get best results from development , so you are 100% right , but also keep in mind that not all have technology background , so they need some audits to explain things for them .
now about our project , if you track our progress from day one , we focused on the quality of the project and what we offer to our community , so when we choose the auditing company , we try to get the best In the financial industry , not just in crypto , so our audit (which btw we are finalizing the deal with top audit company ) will be full audit on all aspects of the project (technical, business , financial ,kyc , kyb) , so yes we will do in depth audit .
ok now it’s the end of this month meeting , Thank you all for joining,
as usual , next meetings we will discuss more problems to solve , our detailed plans , and answer more questions from great community , so kindly keep sending us your questions and suggestions to evolve the project together .
Thank you all see you later .
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